Evropské univerzitní hry v Bělehradě – aktuální info k registracím

Evropské univerzitní hry v Bělehradě – aktuální info k registracím


V návaznosti na oznámení nově potvrzených termínů Evropských univerzitních her v Bělehradě (14. – 27. července 2021) bychom vás rádi informovali o postupu při registraci univerzitních týmů, které se budou účastnit her v roce 2021, a o postupu pro vrácení peněz za ty, kteří se chtějí z akce odstoupit.

Týmy univerzit (nominované ČAUS), které byly schváleny, a ty na čekací listině, které chtějí požádat o vrácení vkladu / vstupního poplatku EUSA / účastnického poplatku, zašle řádně vyplněný formulář žádosti o refundaci EUSA do 30. června 2020 na email registrations@eusa.eu.

Výkonný výbor EUSA schválil změny nařízení EUG 2020. Účastnit se mohou:

  • Bývalí studenti, kteří získali akademický titul nebo diplom v akademickém roce před červencem 2020.
  • Soutěžící nemůže být mladší 17 let a starší 31 let. (Vzorec výpočtu: rok EUG (2021) – rok narození soutěžícího = věk)

Formuláře najdete níže na konci původní zprávy od vedení EUSA v anglickém jazyce.


Původní zpráva (v anglickém jazyce):

European Universities Games Belgrade – registration update


Following the announcement of the newly confirmed dates of the European Universities Games in Belgrade (July 14-27, 2021), we would like to inform you about the registration procedure for university teams who will participate at the Games in 2021 and the refund procedure for those who wish to withdraw from the event.

University teams (nominated by their NUSAs) who were approved and those on the waiting list who wish to request a refund for the deposit/EUSA Entry fee/participation fee shall submit their duly completed EUSA Refund Request Form by June 30, 2020. If the refund request form is not sent to registrations@eusa.eu by the above-mentioned deadline, the university team (and NUSA General coordination) remains considered as approved or on the waiting list for participation in the Games in 2021. In this case, after June 30, 2020, fees are non-refundable.

University teams who were already approved by EUSA for EUG2020 and wish to participate in the event in 2021, shall be approved with consent from their NUSA. EUSA will consider that each NUSA agrees that currently approved teams will participate in 2021, unless EUSA receives the duly completed University Replacement Request Form from the NUSA by June 30, 2020 at registrations@eusa.eu.

Please note that the EUSA Executive Committee approved the following changes to the EUG2020 Regulations:
REG 59.1 Students who are officially registered for and pursuing a course of study at: university, or similar institute with the status as an institution of higher education recognised by the appropriate national authority of their country. Participation of university teams from disputed territories is possible only for universities recognised either by the European University Association or the International Association of Universities. Such Universities will compete under University and EUSA flag. A student shall confirm his status by delivering completed, signed and sealed EUSA IEF.
59.2. Former students who obtained their academic degree or diploma in the academic year preceding July 2020.
59.3. Competitor’s age is defined by the formula: the EUG Year (2021) – competitor’s year of birth = age. According to this formula competitor shall not be younger than 17 and older than 31 years.

The EUSA Executive Committee decision dated October 27, 2018 states that from the year 2021, the Participation Fee at EUSA Events is 70 EUR/person/day.
Hence, for University teams who already paid the participation fee, the Participation Fee invoice for the difference will be provided when the Registration platform is reopened (expected in autumn 2020).

EUSA and EUG2020 organisers remain fully committed to the organisation of what is still expected to be the largest edition of European Universities Games, and look forward to welcoming all participants, guests and spectators to Belgrade in 2021.

Related files:
New dates for the European Universities Games in Belgrade confirmed
EUSA Refund Request Form EUG2020
University Replacement Request Form EUG2020