Přihlášky na 5. ročník Světového meziuniverzitního šampionátu (WIUC) v Pule 2019 jsou otevřeny. Zbývá 60 dní!

5th World InterUniversities Championships

13. – 17. listopadu 2019, Pula, Chorvatsko


Rector’s Tennis Trophy: Pátek 15. listopadu!

Tenisový turnaj vyhrazen rektorovi univerzity, děkanovi, řediteli sportu, koučovi a vedoucímu delegace účastníků univerzit!
Přijďte do Puly a vyhrajte společně se všemi členy svého univerzitního týmu!
Registrace jsou otevřeny!
Hostel Antique VYPRODÁNO!
Poslední místa v Hotel Pula 3*!
Speciální cena pro Championships Village, kde bude více než 1.700 sportovců pohromadě!
Odpočet už běží: pouze 60 dní do začátku!
Přihlášky: Nezapomeňte poslat přihlášky do 30. září, abyste si rezervovali svá místa na šampionátu! Formulář pro přihlášení ke stažení na: http://www.wiusc.com/the-championships/2019-world-interuniversities-championships-pula
The 5th World InterUniversities Championships will take place in Pula (Croatia) from 13th to 17th November (competition days 14th/15th/16th November), with an amazing Grand Opening Ceremony on Thursday 14th at Arena of Pula.
World InterUniversities Championships is a multi-sport university Championships, for University Teams and the purposes are to celebrating university sport, promoting the principles of fair play, diversity and inclusion.
In the 2018’s edition, 2.700 students of 72 universities joined the event, coming from 30 Countries of all over Europe, Africa, Middle East and Asia.
The World InterUniversities Championships will be organize under the umbrella of IUSC – InterUniversities Sport Committee and with the cooperation of “Juraj Dobrila University of Pula”.
SPORTS at 5th WIUC 2019:
football 11 (male)
futsal 5 (male and female)
basketball (male and female)
volleyball (male and female)
handball (male)
rugby 7’s (male)
tennis (male and female)
tennis table (male and female)
swimming (male and female)
badminton (male and female)
cheerleading dance contest


handball (female)*
rugby 7’s (female)*
athletics (male and female)*
waterpolo (male)*
*in case of at least 8 teams, they will pass to a Championships level.
89,00 euro per person that includes:
  • Championships inscription (fields, referees, officials)
  • Grand Opening Ceremony
  • Awarding Ceremony (trophies, cups and medals)
  • Contribution: 11.000 euro (for the Universities Champion)
  • Official Bag and T-Shirt of 5th WIUC
  • Gadgets
  • Lunch on Thursday, Friday, Saturday at the sport center
  • Drinks, snacks and fruits during the Championships
  • Free entry to all Parties
  • Ambulance/Doctor Service
  • Shuttle transportation between accomodation and Sport Center
  • Shuttle transportation between accomodation and parties
WIUC 2019 will be organized in the Pula city center, in an area of 2,5 km where there are all the sport centers, close each others …. to live an unforgettable atmosphere all togheter!
If you need accomodation in Pula, let us know! We have special prices for hostels and hotels close to the Sport centers, and also for the Championships Village, where more than 1.700 athletes will leave all togheter!
For any information about accomodation: Xavier Hilari Serra, Accomodation Manager, accomodation@wiusc.com, +34 645 54 20 95
Download the Application Form here: http://www.wiusc.com/the-championships/2019-world-interuniversities-championships-pula (section “Application Form”) and send us back to info@wiusc.comIf you want to know more about, please have a look at the Brochure/Invitational http://www.wiusc.com/documentation/invitational_2019.pdf

Information are also available at www.wiusc.com and on Facebook (page “World InterUniversities Championships – Pula 2019” https://www.facebook.com/World-InterUniversities-Championships-Pula-2019-1512030892169096/)